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文化育人成为当前高校教育教学工作的新要求,文章结合土木工程专业的人才培养需求和土木工程专业的特点,从建筑文化的内涵阐述了建筑文化教育的必要性,并从教学实践中总结加强土木工程专业建筑文化教育的思路和途径。  相似文献   
在贵州近代史上,周西成是一位颇有建树的地方实力派人物。周西成主政贵州期间,实行铁腕统治,清除匪患、整顿吏治、整理财政、兴办实业、发展教育,推动了贵州近代化发展进程。周西成依靠军队走上贵州省主席位置,自然对军队有着特殊情结。基于此,文章考察周西成成长环境对他军旅生活的影响,探讨他发展贵州军事面临的各种因素及采取的措施,评价其发展军事教育的影响,从而肯定他在贵州近代史上做出的贡献。  相似文献   
Critical Religious Education (CRE) is a contemporary pedagogy of religious education developed by Andrew Wright and various colleagues over the past two decades. There has been widespread academic discourse about the pedagogy in theory but increasingly commentators have called for examples of it in practice. Over the past seven years a writing group associated with The Forum of Religious and Spiritual Education at King’s College London have been developing practical materials aimed at supporting teachers in embedding the pedagogy in practice. Of particular relevance to this paper is the development of an introductory scheme of work, aimed at year 7 students, which has been trialled in a number of schools in and around London. In 2013, focus group interviews took place in four of these schools in order to ascertain the reception that the materials had received. The data suggests a very positive response to the introductory scheme of work and the CRE approach in general, partially dispelling some criticisms levelled at it in academic discourse. The author has thus suggested that the approach and the work of the writing group need further exposure, especially in schools, at conferences and on initial teacher education programmes.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a significant challenge to higher education and forced academic institutions across the globe to abruptly shift to remote teaching. Because of the emergent transition, higher education institutions continuously face difficulties in creating satisfactory online learning experiences that adhere to the new norms. This study investigates the transition to online learning during Covid-19 to identify factors that influenced students' satisfaction with the online learning environment. Adopting a mixed-method design, we find that students' experience with online learning can be negatively affected by information overload, and perceived technical skill requirements, and describe qualitative evidence that suggest a lack of social interactions, class format, and ambiguous communication also affected perceived learning. This study suggests that to digitalize higher education successfully, institutions need to redesign students' learning experience systematically and re-evaluate traditional pedagogical approaches in the online context.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • University transitions to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic were undertaken by faculty and students who had little online learning experience.
  • The transition to online learning was often described as having a negative influence on students' learning experience and mental health.
  • Varieties of cognitive load are known predictors of effective online learning experiences and satisfaction.
What this paper adds
  • Information overload and perceptions of technical abilities are demonstrated to predict students' difficulty and satisfaction with online learning.
  • Students express negative attitudes towards factors that influence information overload, technical factors, and asynchronous course formats.
  • Communication quantity was not found to be a significant factor in predicting either perceived difficulty or negative attitudes.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • We identify ways that educators in higher education can improve their online offerings and implementations during future disruptions.
  • We offer insights into student experience concerning online learning environments during an abrupt transition.
  • We identify design factors that contribute to effective online delivery, educators in higher education can improve students' learning experiences during difficult periods and abrupt transitions to online learning.
历史为电大提供了一笔财富,这笔财富就是电大通过近30年的办学,形成的人才规模、完善的办学条件以及所创造出的办学特色。总结历史经验,扩大教育财富,电大要在新的起点上突出重点,加强品牌建设;创新模式,提高全民素质;完善条件,促进教育均衡。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国民族教育教材出版规模逐步扩大,但随着新技术的不断发展与我国加入WTO后出版市场的逐步放开,民族教育教材出版发行面临着新的挑战.在这种背景下,需要切实加强对民族教育教材出版发行现状、存在问题、出版发行的立体化开发和品牌策略进行研究与探讨.  相似文献   
音乐是以情感人、以美育人的一门艺术。美好的音乐能培养人们高尚的道德情操,丰富人们的感情,美化人们的精神境界,移风易俗莫善于乐。如若低级庸俗的靡靡之音,则能腐蚀人们心灵,败坏社会风气。所以音乐教育对学生的健康成长是有一定影响的。在素质教育中对学生进行音乐能力的培养显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
森林公安教育工作虽然起步较晚,但发展迅速。目前,森林公安教育师资队伍初具规模,教材建设特色明显,教学效果良好,培养的人才受到了森林公安用人单位的欢迎。但也存在森林公安教育机构偏少、高级人才匮乏、专业教材数量不多和理论研究相对薄弱等问题。未来森林公安教育应努力扩大森林公安教育规模,提高办学层次,加强具有森林公安工作特点的师资、专业和教材建设,加强森林公安理论与实用技术研究,发展成人教育和在职培训。  相似文献   
党的十六大明确了新世纪前二十年全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,对教育也提出了更新更高的要求。校园化是学校教学内容的重要组成部分、为了完成党和人民赋予的培养人才的历史使命就要不断创建与时俱进的校园化、具体来讲包括:浓厚的科研学术化、幽雅的物质环境化、活跃的学生活动化、高尚的道德精神化。  相似文献   
教育机会均等的教育社会学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
教育机会均等是教育公平、教育民主化问题的核心内容。本文从教育机会均等的历史发展及其内涵变化趋势分析,探讨推进真正的教育民主化的必要性。  相似文献   
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